Categories: Animals/Petslife

Woman Caught A Fish With Two Mouths And Couldn’t Believe It

Have you come around a creature that is something like you have never seen or heard of before? It may be a species that has not been discovered yet or it can be an animal with defects or there can be some more reasons for the same.


But one thing is for sure that when we come around something like this, we defiantly have an urge to at least take a picture of the creature if we cannot keep it with us.


Debbie Geddes who is a fisherwoman was taking a ride out on Lake Champlain when she had a catch. People on the boat were astonished by what they have caught.


It was a big fish and they were definitely happy to have it served on their plates for the dinner. This is when they saw something unusual about the fish.


Debbie said “We were all happy that we had a great catch. We pulled the fish up and we were all left astonished with what we just saw. This fish had two mouths. Of course, we could not have taken the fish home with us but we also could not let it go before taking a few pictures.”


She pulled the fish up, took some of its pictures and then had let it go. She then shared the pictures on her Facebook and within hours it went viral. It was shared more than 6,000 times and about 1000 people commented on the picture.


There were too many people who commented on the picture. And there were biologists too.


One commented “Being a biologist I would say that in the past years the fish must have been stuck in a hook that tears the part and then the part healed.”

Another wrote, “As a biologist, I would say that this is a deformity that the fish has since birth and this is not a mouth in real.”


Another user commented, “I think this is just because of the pollution and waste in the water.”

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