Categories: Animals/Petslife

Floating Balloons are Killing Sea Birds and Turtles: Scientists Show Concern

No party decoration is complete without popping balloons.


Be it any occasion from birthday parties to anniversary celebrations to any kind of celebration, balloons are a must.

With creativity rising, we also release air balloons that reach high in the sky near the birds. One thing we fail to realize is that the birds are near those balloons and often confuse them as food.


Balloons lying on the surface of the sea attracts these birds. Birds and turtles confuse these balloons as food and swallow them. Balloons are made up of soft plastic and does not create a problem for the birds in swallowing it down their throat.


The plastic then gets stuck in their digestive system and often kills the bird too. This happens because the soft plastic sticks to the walls of their digestive system and does not gets out of the body.

Hard plastic gets out of the body without this much difficulty because it is able to float out of the body, unlike the soft one.


According to research where the scientists found the reason of death for 20 birds, just one bird was found dead due to eating a balloon but scientists believe that two fifth of the birds die when the soft plastic creates a blockage in their digestive system.


Research from the University of Tasmania found out that when the birds swallow a piece of a balloon then the chances of death becomes around 20%. For 9 products the same become 50% chance of death and for 93 items it becomes 100% and assure chance of death for these birds.


A Ph.D. scholar said that although there are more chances of a bird eating a piece of hard plastic, there are fewer chances for a piece of hard plastic to kill the bird as compared to a piece of soft plastic.


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