Categories: Entertainmentlife

The Former First Daughter’s Secret Facebook Page Reveals How Much She Doesn’t like Donald Trump

The DailyMail.


com has made revelations that former President’s daughter Malia Obama think of President Trump as “evil.”


According to sources, Malia called President Trump the mentioned word on a Facebook page.


She is also known to exchange messages on the page with the granddaughter of the former Vice-President Joe Biden. The page is last known to have been updated back in 2017.

The cover photo of the Facebook page contains four attached pink notes in a row that demonstrates President Trump getting as evil and him getting elected isn’t normal.


People have been warned to not be complacent about the fact that Donald Trump is their new president of the United States.


There was a comment made on the cover photo which was written by Finnegan Biden, granddaughter of Joe Biden. In her comment, she made a statement that said that she never saw this post and seems to like it.


It can’t be figured out as to in whose home the post-its were made. The former First Daughter was living in the freshman dorms by August 2017 and is being concluded that she might have posted the picture a few months later.

During the time, Malia was interning at the Harvey Weinstein’s company in New York City. The Weinstein scandal that broke out the MeToo movement in Hollywood had not been conceived yet; while Malia was working for the company.


The photos that were posted earlier on the secretive Facebook page highlight the early teenage years of Malia.


Malia had been using the page also for expressing her extensive and strong views on the issues that were quite a discussion in the public domain such as the gun reforms, and once she even used the platform for encouraging people to sign petitions post the mass shooting that happened during a country music festival in Vegas.


Fifty-eight people had lost their innocent lives in the massive shooting.

The Harvard student is now 20-years-old and is dating Rory Farquharson, and somehow he is missing from all the photographs that were posted by Malia.

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