The President of France just received a terrible shock when a member of the public slapped him in the face as he walked out to greet the crowds.
Local media outlets confirmed the news as the jaw-dropping incident was captured via phone recordings and immediately uploaded online. Within no time, the news began going viral with Twitter going abuzz with shares, likes, and comments across the board.
French authorities were quick to confirm the news but failed to deliver any form of update or details regarding the shocking incident that took the entire French nation by surprise.
Moreover, other reports went on to reveal how the President was actually slapped by a man who was a general member of the public who stood amongst a crowd full of people as Macron spoke to them.
Currently, the president is on a tour visit towards the southeastern region of the country. And that’s when the incident took place on Tuesday, as revealed by the video posted on social media just moments ago.
As soon as the incident took place, the President was quickly rushed aside by his security protocol who managed to intervene on time as the man slapped the President.
While exact details regarding the incident are still shady, some reports suggest how the man was a part of the many onlookers who stood behind a metal fence as the President went about meeting restaurant owners from La Drome.
France is currently in the middle of easing the current lockdown restrictions over restaurants which is one of the reasons why the President was there in the first place.
A statement was released to CNN by Elysee who mentioned the following regarding the incident, “A man did indeed try to hit the President of France. However, we still do not have any further comments regarding this point,” it added.