Categories: life

Freshwater From Huckleberry Leaves Saves The Life of Two Sisters From California Caught in Forest For 44 Hours

Two sisters from California who were lost in the wilderness survived for 44 hours by utilizing the basic survival technique that the duos have learned in a local 4-H club.


The sisters, Leia Carrico, and Carolina Carrico, aged 8 and 5 respectively survived by drinking fresh water from the Huckleberry leaves.


After a rigorous search patrolling in the forest of California, the firefighters finally managed to locate the two sisters around 10:30 am as per the statement of the Humboldt Sheriff, William Honsal.


He further stated the successful search operation as a miracle as they repeatedly failed to locate them in the rugged territory which is a pretty extreme environment for such young girls.

When the girls were found, they were uninjured and were in good spirits. The duo was rescued from around 1.4 miles away from their home that is located in Benbow.


As per the report of the Sheriff, the girls were rescued after Abram Hill, and Delbert Chumley from the Piercy Volunteer Fire Department was able to trace and locate the boot prints of the two minor around 8:30 in the morning.


The officers traced the boot prints of the duo till Richardson Grove State Park from, where they were rescued.

The minors were found huddled under a bush together and were immediately given water, along with dry and warm clothes by the medical personnel who were accompanying the rescuing team.


The sisters were following the trails left by a deer which eventually led them to the deer part of the forest. But thankfully, the duo remembered what they learned in their survival technique class in the 4-H club and utilized the technique by drinking fresh water from Huckleberry club.


After being located, the sisters were soon reunited with their family which could be seen in the photo that has been released from the Sheriff’s office.


The girls were further taken to a hospital where they were under medical supervision for observation. More than 250 people were part of the successful rescue operation.

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