Categories: FunlifeQuiz

90% Of Viewers Couldn’t Spot The Frog In This Picture! But Can You See It?

If you like playing a detective and solving viral mysteries, you have come to the right place.


Today, we challenge you to participate in a rather difficult hide-and-seek test that only a few people can pass. To win the title of puzzle master, you have to find a frog in the picture below in less than 60 seconds.


That’s right! Somewhere in this picture, there is a frog and it’s looking directly at you. While one can easily spot a bunny resting in the toy box, finding the frog won’t be so easy.


So where could the frog be hiding? Is it under the bed? Or perhaps somewhere behind that bedside table or the drawers on the left?

Source – Pexels

Have you found it yet? We told you this wouldn’t be easy. Before you give up, take a closer look at the puzzle and zoom in on the tiniest of details.


To spot the hidden animal, you’re going to have to think outside the box! Look for the frog shape in those paintings hanging on the wall.

Here comes the answer!


How long did it take you to spot the frog in the painting? It’s been looking at you and smiling this entire time!


If you enjoyed this picture puzzle, here comes another brain teaser that has been making rounds on the internet and leaving people baffled.


This time, you’re looking for a toy truck hidden somewhere in the colorful bathroom above.


Once again, your objective is to spot the hidden object in less than one minute to pass the test. To help you with this challenge, here’s a small hint. The car that you’re looking for is red and it blends in perfectly with the items around it!


Did you manage to pass both visual tests? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more puzzles and stories, follow us on Facebook!