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A wedding is a very important event not just for the couple getting married but also for the friends and families of the future husband and wife. That’s why a lot of planning and effort is involved in order to make sure the wedding happens without a hitch.
And, of course, both sides make sure that as many members of their families and special friends get to participate in the ceremony. You can see this most often in deciding who gets to be on the entourage. Ring and Bible bearers, as well as the flower girls, have to be kids. More often than not, it’s the parents of these kids who volunteer their children for the job.
Unfortunately, the unsuspecting kids can get caught up in the stress of the moment and these funny clips only prove that kids live in a world of their own and have their own ideas of what they should be doing during a wedding.
This flower girl, for example, is less than enthusiastic about the job she’s stuck with. But she bravely soldiers on while crying and everyone is amused, including her escort. This is certainly something that she can look back on (and can’t deny!) once she grows up.

This little kiddo thinks they’re playing a game and promptly scoots under the extended leg of the bride and straight under her dress! Maybe he thought it was a hide and seek game.
The mother promptly pulls the kid out but the bride is having laughing fits and lifts him up for a quick kiss.
This pair made it all the way to the altar before the flower remembered she had something to do: scatter flower petals! So she goes back a few steps to dump a load of petals onto the floor. Everyone starts to laugh although her escort does a face-palm as if to say, “Seriously?!”
And in this next one, little Rugbie was supposed to be a flower girl. However, she was only six months old and couldn’t care less about what they were expecting her to do. She wanted to nap and she wanted to nap, now!
Lastly, this adorable kid sees the N.O. Nupes about to perform their dance routine at the reception and he’s all down for that! He proceeds to skillfully mimic their moves like a boss and actually steals the show!
Despite all these gaffes, only kids can make wedding fails like this into adorable occasions. Have you ever been to a wedding where some kids didn’t follow the script?
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