Categories: CultureFamilylife

This is How The Gay Couple Along with Their Daughters Decided to Greet the Judgmental Society

This story is about Arik Alexander and Douglas who are fathers of two little princesses.


Their family is a true example of love and care but people are being judgmental about their relationship. The couple kept on facing so much criticism on their relationship and the relationship with their daughters.

Source: nolapapa via Instagram

Out of all of the condemnation, they get on daily basis, they decided to have a family day out with their daughters so they went to eat at their local hometown restaurant where the other families were sitting beside them and they were watching them in a disrespectful way.

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Source: nolapapa via Instagram

As Alexander or anyone in love knows that the opinions of others don’t matter when you are in love, he also reported that they get interfering questions like who is the mother? or who will talk to them about their girl problems? and that is much easier to ignore.point 344 |


Even before, when they haven’t adopted, they were facing challenges from their families and friends for being a gay couple in the south.point 116 | But Alexander said that these hurdles cannot set us apart from each other.point 178 | 1

Source: nolapapa via Instagram

Telling about the amount of disapproval they get from society every day, Douglas explained that he even faced many barriers when he decided to start his career. He wanted to start a career in which he can work for people into psychoactive substances, but his application got rejected from the universities.

Source: nolapapa via Instagram

Only the Community college accepted his application but didn’t let him go to the medical school reason being that it is for a goal-oriented person and not for a person like him.

Source: nolapapa via Instagram

Douglas never wanted anyone to stand between his goals, so he kept on fighting with the society and managed to get a full scholarship in Loyola University. After Loyola, he graduated from LSU New Orleans School of Medicine. Now he is a practicing Doctor of Medicine.

Source: nolapapa via Instagram

The couple got engaged in 2014 and bought their own house in the next year. This was the year when equality marriage got approved from the Supreme Court and they were able to get married in August 2015 in the French Quarter.

Source: nolapapa via Instagram

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