Categories: Animals/Petslife

A Generous Man Brings Loads of Water for the Animals Who are Suffering Because of Drought

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We all know how hard it has been for Kenya for years now during the severe droughts that the city faces. Recently, the drought made it so difficult for the wild animals there because all the watering holes were dried out, leaving everything empty behind.


The animals weren’t able to get water easily, and they were having a tough time. A generous farmer known as Patrick Killonzo Mwalua decided to get truckloads of water for the animals around so that they don’t suffer without it.


He delivered the water to the animals near in the park and made sure that they have sufficient water to drink.

Patrick said that it is essential for humans to realize that during such situation, the animals rely on humans to help them because after the drought the animals had no water around them to drink and it is our responsibility to help them with it.


Slowly, the animals were able to recognize this kind-hearted man, and they used to wait for him to fill up the watering hole and greet him with so much love.


The animals used to drink water while Patrick used to stand there and make sure that they all are fine. It is just amazing to see how dedicated he is to help the animals in need.


After seeing these three women from the United States started a GoFundMe to raise money for Patrick to buy his own water truck as before this, he was renting these trucks to supply water to the animals.


After the page raised around $450,000, Patrick brought himself a new water truck to help the animals further. Patrick runs a conservation project where he visits different schools and teaches those students about the wildlife in Kenya.

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