Categories: Entertainmentlife

George Conway Says that Trump is the Most Unfit President of America Until Now

Recently, there were comments against Trump’s presidency on Twitter after he posted about the greatest hoax in American history till now.


George Conway took a step forward to tell him why his ratings have gone low again.


The president posted that because of the witch hunt his poll has gone low till 65 percent and its very bad as it is the greatest hoax in the American history.


There are chances that his recent tweet was a result of frustration from the latest meeting he had with Nancy Pelosi and the New York senator, Chuck Schumer.


Trump got a lot of comments against his tweet, which made him pretty disappointed, but Conway commented to fix the tweet for the president.


Conway said to Trump that he is fixed this one for him.

He said that because of Trump’s illegal and improper behavior to a justified investigation which he decided to call a witch hunt and because of his behavior in many other topics like poll numbers, full employment economy and the massive deficit spending which could have been much higher than they are right now.


It is too bad, and Trump is the most incompetent and misfit president for America till now.


Conway wasn’t the only person who tweeted to correct the president for his false statement, but there were many other users on Twitter who did the same thing. Some people said that this is his childish behavior of playing the blame game.


Jeremy Newberger said that probably having George Clooney as your dad could have got your polling much higher than what it is right now.


EdKrassen listed three points saying that there is no witch hunt, the investigation is done legally as the judge said that and of course, Trump is the greatest hoax in the American History.


Surely, this is not the first time that Conway openly spoke about Trump as in the past there have been incidents when Conway was openly critical of Trump.


It is interesting to see the criticism coming from Conway as his wife Kellyanne Conway is the president’s counselor and an essential part of the White House staff.

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