Categories: life

A Gesture of Harmony Made by a Christian Man After the New Zealand Terror Attack

A man named Andrew Graystone who is from Levenshulme decided to make a heart touching gesture for the Muslims who were praying.


He stood with a board which stated that the man would keep a good watch for them while they pray.

After the gruesome attack in New Zealand that took away the lives of 49 innocent people on Friday while they were praying made Andrew make such a sweet gesture for them.


In a conversation with the Manchester Evening News, Andrew said that when he woke up on Friday morning, he heard the bad news about the mass killing that happened in a mosque in Christchurch.


He also added how he thought of the feelings he would go through if he was a Muslim going for prayers, Andrew felt afraid and angry and immediately thought of any small thing he could do to make a difference in such a situation.

According to Andrew, we can either handle these things with fear or friendship, and everybody has the freedom to choose, but in the end, friendship always wins. His message said that you all are my friends, and I will make sure to be there while you pray.


The photo went viral just after Zia Salik shared it online, and there were more than a thousand likes and comments on the picture.

People were glad to see the man showing such kindness in such a hard situation after this Andrew said that he received a lot of messages from people all over the world praising and thanking him.


Andrew’s happy daughter also shared a picture with the caption that said ‘Dear World, the guy standing with this board is my father and I am so proud to him in every possible way.’


In his conversation with the paper, Andrew also explained why he thought of making the sign on the paper. He said that Levenshulme is a multicultural community with the mosques, Jain temples, and churches which brings all these things together.


The relationships between all these are unusual and such incidents are allowed to test them. He also added that the incident happened while they were in prayers, so the least I could do was watch their backs while their back while they return from the prayers.


Andrew said that when people were coming out, they thought that I was some protester, but when they read the message on my board, they came towards me to thank me. Andrew explained how happy he was to see people feeling right about his support. The act of kindness is above everything.


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