Categories: Familylife

Four-Year-Old Girl Left Very Upset After Learning All The Takeaways Have Shut During The Pandemic

A four-year-old girl from Chelmsford, Essex left heartbroken after knowing her favourite takeaways have shut.


Layla-Rae’s mother filmed her daughter’s reaction when she discovered that McDonald’s, Nando’s, KFC and other takeaways wouldn’t be available during the pandemic.

When Joanne, 30, informed her daughter about the lockdown, the little girl started crying inconsolably. The mother tries to console her, then Layla asks “are Chinese closed too?” her mum says that she will “have to eat mummy’s cooking now.”

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The mother shared the clip on Facebook and it went viral garnering millions of views. Joanne said: “We were sitting down talking and she has been a bit bored obviously as we have been in isolation.


“I had been saying all day that we were going to have one last McDonald’s and I thought I haven’t really been telling her why I kept saying that.

“I am very honest with her about what is happening in the world at the moment and I thought I’d explain to her the reasons why as it felt like a good time.

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“She knows Boris Johnson by now and she says to me ‘mummy does Boris Johnson say we can go to the park today’ and I tell her I’m going to have to speak to him to see what he says.point 271 |


So when I was explaining to her about the takeaways and everything closing I said that Boris is saying they have to close as everybody’s got a lot of germs.point 129 | point 136 | 1

“I said ‘Layla you do realise that Mcdonald’s is closing and is going to be closed for a long time’ and then she started crying a bit and I thought I would pick up my phone to see where this goes. Then she kept on crying as she does like McDonald’s – but doesn’t eat it all the time. Afterwards, she just cuddled me and then went upstairs to bed and called her nana.”

Kennedy News and Media

The parent said: “It was not a case of her having a tantrum and it being like world war three after she found out about this.


“It was her being upset and crying for a few minutes then getting over it which is what she normally does – and it’s like nothing has happened now. She can have her moments – she’s just a normal four-year-old.”




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