Categories: life

Girl Forced to Order “No Photos” Hoodies because of Her SNS Influencer Mother

A 16-year-old daughter was forced to order several “No Photos” hoodies because of her Influencer mother.


Redditor ‘FinallyAnonymous6’ complained that she can’t go anywhere without being photographed because her mother is a famous Instagram influencer.


Whenever she goes out in public, it becomes impossible for her to not get photographed by her mother.


The girl was fed up with all this as there’s no privacy left.

Finally, she found a website that prints custom jackets and ordered a bunch of hoodies with the phrases written on them for her and her nine-year-old sister.

The phrases included, “No photos”, “no videos”, “I do not consent to be photographed”, “no means no”, “respect my privacy”, “no cameras”, and “no profiting off my image”.


Her mother posts everything on social media and the girl doesn’t like it.

So, the main aim of ordering the hoodies was to stop her mother from taking their candid pictures.


However, her mother got mad when she saw the “No Photos” hoodies.


The furious girl then posted on the Reddit’s ‘Am I The A***ole’ forum and asked Redditors: ‘AITA? My mom is an influencer. I am sick of being a part of it, I had “NO PHOTOS” hoodies printed for me and my little sister?’

She wrote: ‘I am just so fed up, and upset that my mom is mad at me for wearing my new hoodie every day.


She’s mad because I won’t take it off for any event and thinks it’s inappropriate to wear to certain things.’

Getty Images

Redditors supported the girl and accused the mother of exploiting her children for money.


One user said that some children have to deal with things because of the stuff their parents post about them online.

Some said that it was a clever idea to stop her from taking candid pictures of her children and everyone needs privacy and the girl didn’t do anything wrong by ordering “No Photos” hoodies.




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