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Girl Outraged On First Date After Having To Pay At High-End Restaurant

s4 3.png?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Girl Outraged On First Date After Having To Pay At High-End Restaurant

The old days are gone and women are way more empowered then they have ever been in history.


Women these days are independent, confident, strong, and they make their own rules for their life.

With the position of women changing from the second gender to the equal of men, the dating game has also changed.

girl got furious on her

Earlier, the women were not allowed to go out and earn a living for themselves, it was the duty of their male counterparts to go out and earn and for the same, the males were the ones paying bills of everything ever time.


But expecting the same these days too is not a wise idea. Almost every other woman earn a livelihood these days. They make enough money to support themselves.

So it becomes unfair for the male to be the only on to pay for their dates and dinners al the times. It should be shared by both.


When this young man asked out a girl he liked on the date, everything was fine until the end when his date got extremely furious when he asked her to do something.

A Reddit user posted a story where he shared a conversation with the girl he went out on a date.



With the same post, he explained why she denied to go out on a second date with him. He said that everything started off quite nicely.

They went out together and she selected a little too expensive place for their first date. Of course, first dates have to be special but it should be special for both the sides.


He said that they got into a conversation and she told him that there is some guy who likes her. He said he did not give much attention to the part and this made her a little angry.

It was after the dinner that they asked for the bill and the guy only paid his part and asked the girl to pay his. She was furious but paid and left.


The young man said that he works 6 hours every day with studying in college to support him and to pay 110 dollars on her part was not something he was willing to do.

He then asked her out to apologize and the woman reacted in not so great way.



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