Categories: life

One-Year-Old Girl Passed Away In Car After ‘Busy’ Father Forgot About Her

A one-year-old girl has passed away in a car after her “very busy” father totally forgot about her for several hours.


The incident occurred in Tampa, Florida, where the mum of the toddler called emergency services after discovering the girl’s lifeless body in the car of her husband.


According to the reports, the girl passed away after being strapped to her sit in a hot car for several hours. By the time the cops arrived at the scene, she was already unconscious. Later on, she was pronounced dead at the hospital.


“It appears it was a very busy morning for the family. They have several other children as well and in an effort to get everybody where they needed to go, the toddler was left in the backseat,” Steve Hegarty of the Tampa Police Department said.

FOX 8 – Stephen Hegart

“The dad used the vehicle the toddler was in to take people to school, to work, and all that. [He] then took a separate car to work that caused him to forget the child was in the backseat of the car.”


Following the girl’s tragic passing, her death was marked as accidental with officers ruling out the involvement of foul play.

Just weeks prior to this incident, a 2-year-old girl has passed away from overheating after her own mum left her in the car for several hours while drinking with her friends.


As the police reported, young June Love Agosto has passed away after being locked in her mother’s vehicle for over five hours.

Meanwhile, June’s 34-year-old mother from Torrance, California, had been in her friend’s car drinking and chitchatting.

June Love Agosto via Helen Hernandez – Facebook

After returning to her car, which had its windows shut while she was gone, the mother has found her daughter covered in burns and vomit.


While the mum attempted to cool the 2-year-old down using cold water, she was too late and the girl passed away on the way to the hospital.

After the toddler’s painful death, the coroner branded her passing as ‘accidental,’ meaning that no immediate charges could take place. The investigation continues and there have been no arrests as of this writing.


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