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Little Girl Found Out The Truth About Santa And Her Mom Had To Convince Her Not To Tell Her Friends


Remember when you were little and you were looking forward to Christmas because you have a Christmas list and were eagerly anticipating all those goodies from Santa? Those Christmas mornings when you woke up to see an specially-wrapped package in your name and signed by Santa must have been magical.


Add to that all those candies that Santa left in those Christmas stockings and the holidays could never be sweeter.

Watch this girl negotiate with her mom after finding out the truth about Santa.

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Video credit: Rumble

In fact, “Santa Claus” was one way that parents disciplined their kids. They’d tell their kids to behave, otherwise, Santa wouldn’t give them their Christmas wish. Sometimes, that actually worked.


But then the gig is up and you find out Santa isn’t real after all. Perhaps you were already of an age and your parents had to tell you the truth. Or maybe a classmate sprung the unwelcome surprise on you and as you came home crying, your parents would only confirm the horrible truth that Santa is actually a myth.


The girl in the video almost became the latter. Not the receiver of bad news but the one who would burst the bubble for her friends and classmates.

It’s not clear how she found out that Santa isn’t real but she now knows the truth. The good thing is, she decided to talk to her mom first while they were eating breakfast. She asks if she should tell her classmates that Santa isn’t real and seems to be seriously considering it.


At that point, the mom exclaims in surprise and admonishes her daughter that it’s not up to her to tell her friends and classmates. It’s the responsibility of their parents to break such news to them, not the daughter’s.


The little girl seems to be pondering on what her mother said and she’s looking away as she’s munching on her cereal. The video ends there so we’re not entirely sure if the mom managed to convince her little girl to hold off on such information.


It may seem trivial to us now as adults, but it can be absolutely devastating to a kid who really believed that Santa was the real thing. The mom certainly gave good advice and hopefully, her daughter listened!

