Categories: lifenews

Grandmother Dies After Being Assaulted By A Hospital Worker While Lying Helpless In A Bed

An elderly woman passed away after being sexually assaulted by a hospital worker while lying helpless in a hospital bed.


75-year-old Valerie Kneale was hospitalized at Blackpool Victoria Hospital in England after suffering a significant stroke and breaking her leg at her home.

Credit – Family of Valerie Kneale

Four days later, the grandmother passed away, whereas her autopsy revealed that the cause of death was an internal injury rather than the stroke she had suffered before her hospitalization.


“Concerns had been raised about a potential injury around the genital area. This prompted a police investigation by Lancashire Constabulary,” Coroner Alan Wilson told the inquest.

©MEN Media

Although the post mortem revealed that Kneale suffered a severe stroke days before her death, it was concluded that she died from “an internal and external hemorrhage which was in turn due to a vaginal laceration or tear.”


As the authorities believe, the injuries were a result of a sexual attack that the elderly woman was subjected to while lying helpless in her hospital bed.

Source – Pexels – Symbolic Photo

Following the coroner’s report, the police identified the main suspect, who is a hospital worker, and arrested him on suspicion of sexual assault and murder. The suspect has since been released on bail.

©Dan Rowlands – SWNS

“A man has been arrested and bailed in connection with a number of serious offences. We understand this will cause some significant concern in the community but please be reassured we have a dedicated team of officers conducting a number of enquiries,” Detective Chief Inspector Jill Johnston said.

Source – Pixabay – Symbolic Photo

“These are complicated and sensitive allegations which we are committed to investigating thoroughly. We are offering support to those involved and they are being updated throughout the process by trained officers.


“Our priority and the priority of Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is to ensure the safety of patients. We are working closely with the Trust as well as HM Coroner for Blackpool and Fylde as part of the investigation.”


As of this writing, the case remains under investigation.