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Greta Thunberg Ranked In The Top 10 Most Influential People In 2019

Following shortly after she was named the Person of the Year by the TIME magazine, Greta Thunberg has taken away yet another title by ranking in the top 10 most influential people in 2019 by Nature journal.


Nature is a renowned British science journal that aims to acknowledge the contribution of brilliant minds such as the young eco-warrior whom they dubbed a “candid” activist who managed to “channel the rage of a generation.”

Eduardo Munoz Alvarez – AP – Shutterstock

The 16-year-old appeared on the list of top 10 most influential people in science in 2019 alongside a microbiologist who found a way to fight Ebola, a biologist who managed to edit adult human genes, and a paleontologist who shone a new light on humanity’s family tree among others.


Speaking of the reasons why Thunberg deserves to be on the list, Professor and climate expert Sonia Seneviratne said:


“Some may wonder why a teenage girl should get more credit and attention for publicly lamenting a well-known dilemma than most climate researchers get for years of hard work and effort.

Stefano Guidi – Getty Images

“She is candid and her outrage unvarnished – and that is a powerful cocktail.”


As the professor added, most people, especially scientists, have a hard time expressing what they know or believe in a direct and confrontational way Greta does.

Stephen Lovekin – Shutterstock

“What she has achieved should motivate climate researchers to carry on with their science despite slow political action,” Seneviratne added.

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“But her biggest influence may be on the next generation, inspiring many to become scientists themselves.”


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