Categories: Entertainmentlife

A Group of Dancing Students Performed an Amazing Optical Illusion

A group of students performed a fantastic dance which has an interesting optical illusion.


The performance is so mesmerizing that you cannot look away once you start watching it.

Watch the video here!
[rumble video_id=v3sz61 domain_id=u7nb2]
The students presented their creative idea through an amazing dance performance. The whole dance act was really well thought by all the students, and they all put a lot of hard work in the act.


All the students of the dance group were wearing the same costume which has black on one side of the attire and white on the other.


When they start performing their dance by linking their hands together, it feels like there are people even when there is no one.


It was like they were all moving their white part of the leg together and left the black one behind.  Later the students did the step another way around, and it looked as if headless people were jumping on the stage.


The optical illusion was very well presented by the students and left the audience in awe.


The dancers performed different steps, and if you look at them, then all the steps had a different perspective. There are chances that the whole act had some really meaningful message behind it, but it’s tough to guess that.


The only possible meaning that the audience could guess out of the dance was they were trying to portray unity and togetherness without any racial issues between people, or it can be based on the yin yang theory.


It was amazing to see the young students perform a dance with such a strong message linking the issues in society.


The audience loved their performance, and the most important thing was that the kids were enjoying the performance thoroughly. It is such a great way to present a positive message to the world.

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