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The Students Of A High School Had A Bad Afternoon With An Unexpected Situation

The Tuesday afternoon appeared unnerving for the students of high school in America.


They lived critically horrific moments. Lillian Duarte and her fellow students had an unexpected situation.

The horrendous moment begins with an out loud voice note saying not to move. All the rooms bolted and darkened. Everything gets dark and diminished.

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Lillian Duarte

Duarte who is a little girl of 15-years-old, identify the loud words and get a picture of what is happening around.point 208 |


Duarte has got training in bullet-firing for five years.point 48 | So this was not like her training concourses.point 86 | Two students started shootout at their class-fellows.point 133 | One got killed, and eight others got injured.point 171 | Duarte very next day after the event appeared as an active student videoed the shootout at her class fellows and leaked to the Buzzfeed news.point 288 | 1


Duarte told the news reported that the teacher got so confused that they do not see to be in senses. All other fellow students assumed that this was a routine drill.


Duarte with her class-fellows seated with the door of their classroom. Suddenly, a message popped up on Duarte’s cell phone. It was her friend from an adjacent class-room.  She told that the news is real and the gunmen have seized the school. They were left there in isolation.


“Her friend said that the shooting thing is not a rumor. There is the gunman who has entered in school.”

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Duarte who got really depressed at this situation sent her heart out to her loved ones and friends.point 285 |


Also, she asked her fellow students to take care of them.point 47 | No one knew what will happen to them.point 77 | They were all panicked and scared.point 106 | Duarte asked her friend if the police have come to protect them or not.point 164 | She told her friend on the phone that she might be hurt easily and she is sitting very next to the shooter.point 250 |


Duarte texted her mom that she loves her a lot.point 38 | She videoed many scenes of that as she got squatted under a desk.point 91 | 1


Then one of the friends told that police has taken control of the situation and are asking the gunmen to surrender. A policeman entered the room with a gun that frightened the Duarte. She said that she thought it was gunman invading. She started yelling.


Then-Police asked students to walk in a lane with their hands up.


Duarte called the situation as a scene of an action movie. She was not shocked as she has had this training. Rather she was stunned, as she could not fit into the situation around.


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