Categories: life

Guy Expects Girl To Wait While He ‘Plays Around’, Two Years Later She Married Another Man

Many people are tempted to put things on hold while they play around, but what are the consequences? Lose the moon while you’re busy counting the stars?


A Twitter thread by Rev Rell went viral as it teaches us a great lesson. He wrote:







Twitter user larry fisherman said: “I need everyone to read this. Not just men. Not just women. EVERYONE can learn from this.”


Logotrix tweeted: “This mentality is scary. It’s right in line with “if I can’t have her, nobody can.”

Akua wrote: “Guys never want to take any responsibility of how they messed up on their end.”

Other people also shared their own stories and experiences.


Zero chill gal shared: “DAMN, YES. And she’s been working on her problems from the outset whereas he had to be shoved into it by losing her… and guess what… HE was one of her problems. I got over a shitty 4.5yr relationship in <6wks because I was already a better person than him.”


L.E. LeBlanc tweeted: “I was engaged six months after my ex and I broke up. Some guys just know what they want and wait for their chance to get in the game and shoot their shot!”


Sour_gurl said: “I waited 3 years for a guy to get his shit together and be with me. I finally realized that he was never going to feel the same. He hit me up asking for ass the night before I went on my first date with my now husband, and I’m so glad I blocked him.”


Another Twitter user wrote: “No one wants to be a last minute option… and no one wants to wait around forever.. I love this thread.”

What are your thoughts on this? Let us know in the comments section and SHARE this with your family and friends!




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