Categories: +AnimaisAnimals/Petslife

This man Gets Same Tattoo As His Rescue Dog, Probably Regrets It After Internet Explains Its Real Meaning

Everyone who has a pet loves them dearly.


And at times to prove our love for them we go to any lengths. This is one such story in which a man from Texas went to ultimate length to prove how much his dog is dear to him.


Chris Mendiola brought his dog, Bear in 2010. After sometime, he noticed a small tattoo on its stomach. The first thought that came to his mind was the abuse that has been done to the dog.


He was disgusted by the people who would inflict such a cruelty on their pet. So, he made a decision last year. In order to support the dog, he got the same tattoo as the dog had and posted the picture of the tattoo on Facebook.

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The things started going downhill since he noticed the tattoo, because Chris didn’t know that the tattoo that was on Bear’s stomach was the sign of his neutrality and not the sign of abuse.point 270 |


Unbeknownst to this fact, he got the tattoo and posted the picture on Facebook.point 66 | Nevertheless, Facebook users decided not to keep the man in dark more than he already was, and told him the truth.point 160 | 1


Embarrassed and ashamed, he tried to mask his stupidity. He posted a clarification on Facebook saying that he consulted his vet and knew what the tattoo meant. He did it to support his dog, as an act of showing solidarity.


Nonetheless, he got caught in the web of his own lies.


This painful trial of defending himself got him more in trouble, as no one was ready to believe that he knew all along what the tattoo meant.


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