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Man Modified A H2 Hummer That Has 86 Speakers And 11 Amplifiers

Watch the H2 Hummer with 86 speakers, 11 amplifiers


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Video Credit: Rumble

Rafael Capone has modified an H2 Hummer that has 86 speakers, 11 amplifiers, and more than a mile of LED light wiring.

Rafael, who has been modifying cars for a very long time, built his ‘Soul Asylum H2’ Hummer to promote his recording studio with the same name.

Soul Asylum H2

Rafael, who has been modifying cars since 1991, bought a second-hand H2 for $40,000 and started modifying it. The H2 Hummer has 86 speakers, 11 amplifiers, and more than a mile of LED light wiring.


It took him a year to modify the car.

He told Barcroft Media: “We want sound quality at loud natural volumes, versus just blaring, hurt-your-ears-loud. I wanted it to be loud but I wanted sound quality. I wanted to hear what I hear in the studio on the road.”

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Soul Asylum H2
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Soul Asylum H2

He says people always come to him and say they love his car at car show competitions.point 293 |


Rafael said: “No piece of this car was left factory.point 45 | The reaction when we pull up is always a, ‘Wow, I love your car’.point 101 | We love people to sit in it.point 123 | People always say, ‘My God, this sounds like the recording studio, it sounds like I’m actually at a concert’.point 220 |


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Rafael has also won world titles for his LED lighting interior and exterior.

“It’s ambient lighting, it’s backlighting, it’s offset lighting, it’s like you would do in a home”, he said.

Rafael says his Soul Asylum H2 makes everyone feel like they are at a party at any car show.

Soul Asylum H2
Soul Asylum H2

He doesn’t want to disclose how much he spent modifying the ‘Soul Asylum H2’ but he says he is willing to sell it to anyone who is interested.


He said: “Dollar-wise, it’s a major rebuild with no factory components or parts left in the build. I will let you guys just think about what it could possibly cost.”

“But people always ask me, ‘Will I sell the H2?“ and a great businessman will tell you everything is for sale. Without hesitation, it will be a quarter-million dollars.”




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