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Hairdresser Who Opened Her Salon To Feed Her Kids Despite Lockdown Rules Released Early From Her 7 Days Sentence

A woman who is a professional hairdresser and a salon owner denied closing down her salon for the safety of the public even after being asked to do so.


The judge called her act to be selfish amid the widespread of coronavirus pandemic. Although she was given a 7 days sentence, she was released from jail on Texas Supreme Court’s orders.


Shelley Luther, who owns Salon à la Mode, opened the salon on the 24th of April. It was about a month after the country went under lockdown.


As per the lockdown rules, no non-essential business and services are allowed to run.

For opening up again, she received a letter to close it down again, but she decided to tear the letter into pieces. She even took out a protest against the state.


Judge Moye asked Luther to acknowledge the fact that her actions were selfish. Putting her needs before the community and state’s orders is something that is not acceptable to the court.


The judge then asked her to pay a fine in accordance with protesting against the state orders.


To make her see the facts, the judge told her that the county of Dallas alone has more than 4,330 cases till now. On Monday 237 new cases of the virus have been recorded and the stats are only rising up.


While the court was in session, Luther had her face covered with a mask. Meanwhile, she had a phone close to her mouth so that the reporter on the call can hear her words loud and clear for recording the session.


Luther said that she is not going to shut down her salon because she has kids at home who are hungry.


She said that there are stylists working for her at the salon who are not eating anything because they prefer feeding their kids over themselves.

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