Categories: FunlifeQuiz

How Fast Can You Figure Out Who Is Left-Handed?

It’s time to put your logical thinking to good use and solve a mysterious puzzle that has been circulating the internet.


If you’re familiar with this type of challenge, you probably know that each puzzle is different. While some ask for logical thinking, you have to rely on your eyes to solve others.

Credit – GPuzzles

In this case, we simply ask you to do some investigation of your own and put your brain cells to work.


As you can see, your task is to find out who of the five men in the picture is left-handed. Note that only one of them is left-handed while the rest are right-handed.

To make the job harder for you, all of the five diligent workers are pictured using their right arm while doing their job.

Source – Pixabay

So how do you figure this one out? While everyone goes about this puzzle differently, we suggest you try the method of elimination to get to the right answer.


The writer is clearly using his right hand to write, and he probably wouldn’t do that if he was left-handed. Meanwhile, the mechanic and the woodcutter are using their dominant hands to hold their tools. Ever tried using a tool with your secondary hand? That likely wouldn’t turn out well!

Source – Pixabay

And so, we have two workers left. The photographer and the waiter.

Anyone who likes taking pictures knows that it is much easier to get a good shot if you use your dominant hand to hold the camera or phone and hit that button. Try using the other hand and you might have to retake the shot a few times!

Source – Pixabay

This leaves us with the correct answer: the waiter!

Just think about it. The waiter is left-handed, so he is carrying the tray with his right hand to make sure that his dominant hand is free when he’s about to serve drinks!

Credit – GPuzzles

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