Categories: life

Health Secretary Matt Hancock Said People Above 70 Years of Age Soon Will Be Asked to Stay Inside Homes

Matt Hancock, the Health Secretary said that soon the people above 70 years of age will be strictly asked to stay inside homes in isolation for 4 months.


This decision will be out following the lack of ventilators in the NHS as the country continues to fight against Covid-19.


He said that the elderly will be asked to stay indoors in isolation to make sure the most vulnerable of society are kept safe.


Even if they do not have the symptoms of the virus yet, they will be kept indoors to further banish their spread.


He said that the government does not wish to do so too early. Staying inside for a very long time is difficult and life-altering but it is important to save the vulnerable.


He added that they do not have enough ventilators to serve enough and they cannot let people die.

Thus, it is important for people to stay indoors once the advice is out.


The advice will make people question their alternatives to provide food and medicines to the elderly in the lockdown.


While the government is planning to sweep the diseases out, it is also arranging for more medical equipment including ventilators.


Hancock said that they currently have 5,000 machines but it is not even close to the line of sufficient. He said that the machines are under production.


But again, the government has promised they will buy all the machines produced for this virus and that is not possible.


This clearly means that everyone who is going to need a ventilator might not get one.


With the outbreak in Italy after China, people around the world are getting prepared for a lockdown.

They are panic shopping. Markets are running out of groceries.


People are stuffing their houses with food and everything they might need in a lockdown.

The worst thing is, no one is considerate of leaving something behind for others too.


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