Categories: Entertainmentlife

Chris Hemsworth Said He Is ‘Failing Miserably’ At Homeschooling His Children

chris hemsworth said he is failing miserably at homeschooling his children.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Chris Hemsworth Said He Is 'Failing Miserably' At Homeschooling His Children

Chris Hemsworth who is is performing social-distancing as many others appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live! via video call and talked about homeschooling his daughter India Rose, 7, and twin sons Sasha and Tristan, 6 with wife Elsa Pataky.


The 36-year-old actor said that he is ‘failing miserably’ at teaching his children amid the pandemic. “I’m trying but I’m failing miserably,” he said. “It’s sort of four or five hours of negotiation and bribery, and then maybe 20 minutes of actual work, if that.”

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He said that now many subjects have changed and not the same as they used to be when he was in school.point 192 | “Also, everything has changed since I was in school,” Chris added.point 260 |


“I was talking to the teacher about it and adding, subtracting, so on, it’s not quite as straightforward now.point 103 | There’s all these new tricks, and so on, which I don’t understand.point 170 | So good luck me teaching my kids.point 197 | point 204 | 1


Chris jokingly said that he is “relaxed into the idea that they’re gonna come out of this quarantine with an IQ a little under par and a little behind.”

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The Avengers actor said he sometimes reap his lawn to escape from his duties as a teacher of his kids.point 336 |


“I actually really like mowing the lawn,” he said.point 54 | “I got this ride-on mower a few months back and there’s something quite therapeutic about it.point 144 | And it may be just a few hours of escape from having to entertain three kids 24/7 or teach kids.point 221 |


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“It’s usually around school time that the lawns need to be mowed conveniently,” he added, teasing. ” ‘Honey, that lawn’s growing, It’s a jungle out there. I gotta get to it, sorry.”


Chris is currently living in his home country in Byron Bay with his family and he recently told The Sunday Telegraph that it is great to live at a place which is far away from the entertainment industry.


He said: “When you’re suffocated by the work, every conversation that you’re having and every billboard you’re seeing is to do with a movie or whatever around the industry, you lose perspective.”

“There’s not a single person that I interact with, or close friends of mine, that are really in the industry and so that’s hugely refreshing. It’s great for my kids and my wife.”




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