Categories: life

Hero Cop Breastfeeds ‘Malnourished’ Baby Because The Hospital Staff Was ‘Too Busy’ To Care

Good Samaritans are very had to find, but when you do, they leave a huge impact on your life.


Recently, an Argentine police officer was snapped breastfeeding a ‘malnourished’ baby who was brought into the hospital where she was on guard duty.

Celeste Ayala was on duty at the Sor Maria Ludovica Children’s Hospital in Buenos Aires, when the ‘dirty and malnourished’ baby was brought in.


As the hospital staff was overloaded with work, Celeste asked them if she could hold and feed the baby since it was crying desperately for food.


The hospital granted police officer the permission to hold and breastfeed the baby. The baby was clearly hungry as it stopped crying after Celeste breastfed him.


When asked, she said that she knew that the baby was hungry and that he was putting his hand into his mouth. She said that it was sad to see an infant without a parent. She said that it broke her soul and society should do something about it regarding the issues affecting children.


Her partner at the hospital duty, Officer Marcos Heredia, said that the hospital staff called the baby ‘dirty’ but Celeste was not concerned about it as all she cared about was the baby’s health.


He took pictures of Celeste breastfeeding the baby and posted it online. He said that it shows how good of a human being Celeste is. The gesture of love she displayed melted the hearts of the people over the internet.


The photo garnered more than 94,000 shares, 68,000 likes, and 300 admiring comments.

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