Categories: FunlifeQuiz

Almost No One Can See The Hidden Cat In This Photo! But Can You?

A photo of a perfectly camouflaged cat has gone viral after people struggled to spot the feline at first glance.


If you’ve ever had dealings with a cat, you must know just how sneaky and clever they can be. Not only do these patient creatures know how to hide and wait in ambush for hours but they also love watching us from a safe distance while we’re looking for them.


As one confused cat owner found out the hard way, no one is better at hide-and-seek than cats. Check out the owner’s photo and see if you can spot the animal!

Source – Bored Panda

Let’s spice things up. To pass this challenge with an A+ and make your way to the top of the list, find the feline in under 20 seconds!


If this sounds too hard, take your time and don’t lose focus. We can guarantee that you won’t be able to unsee the cat once you’ve seen it staring at you from the shadows!

Source – Pixabay

Found it yet? Here’s a clue for those who are still desperately searching for the cat. The animal is resting on top of the books! Which books, you might ask? Well, that’s up to you to figure out.


Once you’re done with your search, check out the solution below.

Source – Bored Panda

Now that you know just how hard it is to find well-hidden cats, it’s time to take things to the next level with another bamboozling challenge.


Take a look at the photo below and find the cat in thirty seconds to pass the final test.

Source – Bored Panda

This time, the cat is in plain sight. Thanks to its colors, however, the cat remains unseen by most viewers. But can you find it?


Here’s a hint to help you with your search: The cat is white and light brown and is looking directly at the camera!

Source – Bored Panda

Did you manage to find both hidden cats? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more puzzles and stories, follow us on Facebook!