Categories: FunlifeQuiz

Can You Find A Penguin In The Photo? 99% Of Viewers Failed To Spot The Bird!

If you’re ready to put your patience to the test and look for a hidden penguin in a viral photo then you’ve come to the right place.


Penguins are flightless birds that have evolved to become excellent swimmers and hunters. They can be found in various regions around the world including Antarctica and Antarctic islands, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Peru, Chile, and the Galapagos Islands.


But enough about boring facts. Let’s get straight to action with a picture puzzle featuring one giant penguin.

Credit – Mind Oddities

In the image above, one can see a big penguin – or so they say. Though the bird in question is bigger than most icebergs seen in the photo, 99% of people can’t spot it thanks to its camouflage.


To find the hidden animal, having an eagle-eyed vision won’t be enough. Keep in mind that you’re going to have to think outside the box to crack this mystery!

To help you out a bit, here’s a darker version of the picture above.

Credit – Mind Oddities

Did the second image do the trick? We can guarantee that the penguin is much easier to spot in the second version of the picture.


If you still can’t see it, pay attention to our first clue. Think outside the box – literally!

Once you’ve found the bird, or once you can’t take the suspense any longer, feel free to check out the solution below.

Here’s the correct answer! The penguin was hiding in the photo’s frame this entire time. You were probably looking for it in the photo, weren’t you?

Credit – Mind Oddities

Now that you know just how serious we are about putting your eyes to the test, here comes another baffling picture puzzle for you to crack.


This time, your task is to find one big error in the picture below. If you find it in less than thirty seconds, you win. Let’s go!

Credit – Hans via Pixabay and Capri23auto via Pixabay

As you can see, the picture shows a group of cherries hanging off a branch. But something in the photoshopped pic is not right.


Take a closer look to spot the error and scroll down to verify your answer once you’re done!

Do you see that cherry in the middle? Is it really a cherry or is it a completely different fruit?

Credit – Hans via Pixabay and Capri23auto via Pixabay

How quickly did you manage to find the penguin? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more puzzles and riddles, follow us on Facebook!