Categories: life

Hideo Kojima Says He Himself Has No Clue What “Death Stranding” Is About Anymore

The game Death Stranding first came out to us at E3 2016, in which Norman Reedus was lying naked on a beach, holding a baby.


It was all interesting and intriguing but what did it mean, we did not understand that.


The trailer looked quite interesting for sure and people got excited for the game to come out but a year passed and yet another trailer came. This sent them wondering what is the game about because even after the second trailer, there was no clarity at all.


Some more time passed and yet another trailer of Death Stranding came out but people still had no clue. Eventually, the game came and the weird thing was people still could not get what the game was about.


The players started to play but had no idea what message does Kojima’s game has to give.


Well, it is great to have a little mystery in everything we have for our entertainment. Be it a movie or a game.


The mystery divided the gamers into two sides. One that believed there is some mystery that is leading the game and making it even more interesting, then there is another side stating that the game is not built right and needs more work to make it clear.


When Kojima was asked about it, the creator of Death Stranding said that he has no clue anymore about what is going on in the game.


He says that his mission and job both were to create something that does not already exist and this is what he did. He then says that now it is the perspective and idea of the world what they take it into.


We definitely appreciate what he said and what he is trying to do but this does not change the fact that such projects have a lot of risks involved and it looks like the same has happened to Death Stranding.

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