Categories: EntertainmentFunFun

Hilarious Typo Of A Newspaper Left Julia Roberts Embarrassed

It is common to make typos – we all are guilty of doing it every now and then.


But, a newspaper publication made a typo that definitely made Julia Roberts uncomfortable.

The Post-Journal, a local newspaper in Jamestown, upstate New York, posted a story about Julia Roberts but, with an embarrassing typo.

The story was to praise Julia for her performances in the new movie ‘Ben Is Back’ and the Amazon series ‘Homecoming.’


The headline was – ‘Julia Roberts Finds Life And Her Holes Get Bigger With Age’


Well, that’s really embarrassing! But, we totally get that he meant ‘Roles’.

Later, the newspaper published a correction for the mistake but people had already started trolling the publication on Twitter.


One wrote: ‘@TheEllenShow can’t believe this headline in our local paper… Julia Roberts will be glad to know her holes are getting better with age’


Another said: ‘This is why she’s a movie star. My holes have only gotten worse with age.’


‘Julia Roberts and her improved holes should host the Oscars’ another user wrote on Twitter.


One Twitter user said: ‘My old team once published “Kylie Minogue happy without a man in her”.’

Another said: ‘My fav headline is still one they showed us in journalism school (it got a guy fired). It was a feature about the Oscar Meyer Wienermobile titled, “Ride a giant wiener to a land of smiles” :)’