Categories: Healthlife

Holding In Farts Could Make Them Come Out Of Your Mouth

Farting is, no doubt, a gross thing to do.


However, you will probably not consider it too ugly after you learn about the consequences of holding in farts.

In case you don’t know, holding in farts leads to their release through other places. Your mouth, for instance.

It’s not something we’re making on our own. Science supports it as well.


Professor Clare Collins, who is a dietetics and nutrition expert from the University of Newcastle, says holding them in can cause ‘abdominal distention.’

By this process, some of your guff is absorbed back in your body while the rest escapes through your breath.


So, holding in your farts means that “some gas [will be] reabsorbed into the circulation and exhaled in your breath,” the professor explains.


Besides making your mouth stink, it also leads to other filthy outcomes.

“Holding on too long means the build-up of intestinal gas will eventually escape via an uncontrollable fart,” Professor Collins says.

Moreover, it also increases the risk of diverticulitis – a condition in which your stomach walls become inflamed by small pouches formed in them.


In short, it’s better for you to fart. If possible, try going out of the room or do something else to make it a bit less unpleasant for others.

It’s a natural phenomenon which happens when our body tries to digest our food.

“It can be from swallowing air, or from carbon dioxide produced when stomach acid mixes with bicarbonate in the small intestine,” Professor Collins explains.


“Or gasses can be produced by bacteria that are located in the large intestine.”

To make you feel less awkward, a recent study found that an average person farts eight times a day. So statistically speaking, someone near you is farting every now and then.


You can always control your diet to make your farts less frequent and less stinking as well.

But airplane passengers ought to be more careful because they are more prone to bouts of flatulence, says Professor Collins.

“Pressurized cabins on airplanes mean you’re more likely to pass flatus due to the gas volume expanding at the lower cabin pressure, compared to being on the ground,” she adds.




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