Categories: Entertainmentlife

Hollywood Actors Step Forward to Support the Four Congresswoman after Trump’s Remarks

y4 13.png?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Hollywood Actors Step Forward to Support the Four Congresswoman after Trump’s Remarks

After his tweet regarding four Congresswomen to go back to their crime-infested, totally broken countries from which they came, Donald Trump has received a lot of criticism.


The women he referred to were Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Alyanna Pressley and Rashida Tlaib. Amongst these four women, only one (Ilhan Omar) was born overseas in Somalia, whereas two of them are Muslims.


Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi was the first one to point out his racist remark and questioned Trump’s intentions of making America great again.


She said that Trump wants to make America white again instead. He was then slashed by the four women and a lot of people came forward to support them.

The four women took to Twitter and insisted that for them, America is their ‘home’ country and that they are working to make it corruption-free, referring to Trump.


Now, to support these women, Hollywood has also stepped in.

Actress Cher tweeted that Trump should go back to where he came from.


Marvel’s Avengers fame Chris Evans who plays Captain America in the series, also called Trump’s tweet racist. He also said that exercising racism and hatred will only feed his insatiable ego.


George Takei, who plays Lieutenant Sulu in the original Star Trek, told Trump that his time is nearly up on Twitter. He added that the corrosive corruption, migrant camps horror and assault on 23 million Americans’ healthcare would not be forgotten even after Trump’s racially charged attacks.


Seth Macfarlane accused Trump of using the oldest trick to ignite chaos and called him a bully in his tweet.


Singer Bette Midler also stepped in to support the Congresswomen. She tweeted that these young Congresswomen should go back to their countries (New York, Michigan, Ohio) and work on the most inept, corrupt and total catastrophe of the government of the U.S.


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