Categories: Animals/Petslife

Officers Respond To Urgent Call About Intruder.. But When They Find HIM, They Can’t Help But Laugh!

The Sonoma County Sheriff department recently had an odd experience when an 18-year-old man called them.


He sounded urgent, and said that he heard strange noises coming from his own house. Since he was home alone, this man was getting worried.
As soon as he heard these noises, he got all of his dogs and put them all in one room to avoid any harm.
Then, he called 911 for help.

Image via Sonoma Sheriff Department

Officers immediately got in their cars. This man obviously needed help.

As soon as they arrived at the scene, couple of officers went in to the house, while the others stayed outside to search the exterior and to make sure this suspected intruder doesn’t get away.
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That’s when they caught him.
One of the officers heard a scratching noise, so he looked up – only to find a dog sticking his head out on the roof.


When they realized it was this dog who was causing all the trouble, everyone started laughing.

Image via Wide Open Pets

This Great Dane turned out to be one of the dogs the homeowner kept. The caller was in panic mode when he was calling the police, and simply had failed to realize that he was missing a dog.


Other dogs were barking because they saw their friend in the upstairs bedroom, standing with his head outside.
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According to the department spokesperson Spencer Crum, this kind of incident has never happened before in 25 years of him working as an officer.
He said, “A dog mistaken for an intruder in his own home? That’s pretty abnormal,” said Crum.

Image via The Dodo

What a hilarious mistake! I’m glad it wasn’t a real prowler, but just imagine how these sheriffs would have felt when they realized the “intruder” was just a curious dog!
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