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A Starving Homeless Man Reunited With His Brother After His Picture Went Viral On Social Media

A man named Johnny Servantez was passing by a flea market when a skinny and homeless man sitting there caught his attention.


The man who was identified as Johnny Rhoades was sitting outside of a flea market in Indianapolis and Servantez had some conditions to not to give money to any panhandler but this time he couldn’t stop himself to help this man.

Rhoades was not like any other panhandler, his condition was worse and it seemed he was starving and “his stomach was touching his back.”

Johnny Servantez/Facebook

Servantez who had some rules to not to give money to any panhandler went near to Rhoades and offered him some money.


He shared the picture of Rhoades on his Facebook account and asked people in the area to stop by and offer Rhodes a little something.

Servantez wrote: “I had to give this poor guy some money. I NEVER give panhandlers money because they are 99.9% bul****t. But this guy’s stomach was hitting hid back and ribs popping out. If you are at Thompson and Madison.. throw him a buck or two at least. The man isn’t that fu***ng skinny by choice. I’ve seen skinny drug addicts. And this man is suffering from starvation.’’


The picture went viral on social media and it reached to Rhodes’ brother Danny Rhoades. Danny could not have imagined that he will get to know about his brother this way.

Danny Rhoades told RTV6, “I’m so sick to my stomach right now, I can’t function to know someone is living this way and looks this bad.”

Johnny Servantez/Facebook

After their mother’s death, Danny had lost contact with his brother and has not even seen him for over seven years.


Danny decided to help his brother and get him back.

Amy Renae Smith who wanted to help the family created a Facebook page where people could get tips and share details.

Fortunately, the day arrived when the two brothers reunited. 

Smith shared the good news on Facebook page and people were delighted to know the happy ending of this story.


He wrote: “He had two meals, a [hot] shower, a pair of clean clothes, a room to himself with quiet, a king-size bed, tv w/ cable, fridge, a microwave, Pepsi, & leftovers. He is safe, and resting.”