The Prime Minister and his cabinet has decided upon an stark anti-Chinese diplomatic stance, as Johnson declared yesterday that the UK will carry on with the plan to ascertain 3 million Hong Kong residents with British National Overseas(BNO) passports to come to the UK legally.
‘This lifeboat scheme will help these British Nationals and their dependents to come to the UK if they need to. BNOs are given the chance to work and contribute into society and work towards citizenship which was previously restricted with visas,’ Ms Wong told in an interview.

The Imperial College London graduate, who is in her 20s, said that because she had spoken to media in the UK, she would be deemed an offender of the security law and persecuted by Hong Kong authorities. But she noted that it was hard to estimate how many people in Hong Kong would move to the UK through the route at present.
‘It depends on the details released from the Home Office [before we can make] such a big decision, as Hong Kong is where our roots are and leaving our home is a big change. Furthermore, there is no access to public funds so BNOs who come will have to be financially well off in order to support themselves and are able to come and get a job. Some people who are eligible for a BNO might already have a different nationality, therefore, they might not want to come to the UK.’

Simon Cheng is the first person to have been granted political asylum by the Home Office in response to China’s crackdown on the Hong Kong anti-government movement after he was allegedly shackled, beaten, forced to stand for long hours in secret detention in the Chinese city of Shenzhen.point 353 |
Mr Cheng, a British overseas national, announced Wednesday night that his immigration application had been approved last Friday by the British government, possibly heralding a new wave of immigrants from the Asian financial hub.point 195 | 1
Thousands of Hong Kong citizens have already expressed their desire to move to Britain on social media platforms. A Facebook group named the ‘Official Group for BNO Equality Movement’ has seen nearly 3,000 new members in the past month.
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