The school curriculum for the future King of England was finally released last week and it was described by People Magazine as reading ‘like a college graduate program.
There is no doubt that Prince George’s upcoming school year will be demanding as it will include history, science, English, maths, geography and also religious studies, art/design technology, PE, drama, music, French, computing, and ballet.
Good Morning America ran a segment on the 6-year-old’s schools subjects, with GMA host Lara Spenser appearing to insult the child’s affinity for ballet.
She said on air: “He looks so happy about the ballet class,” adding, “Prince William says George absolutely loves ballet. I have news for you Prince William: We’ll see how long that lasts.”
The host was then accused of ‘bullying’ the young prince, according to People.
Broadway actress Shoshana Bean wrote on Twitter: “Dear @GMA… I find @LaraSpencer response to be insensitive and her apology a cop out. Not good enough for me… is it good enough for you?? This statement needs to be made on air in the same forum she so freely judged and criticized.”
Spencer wrote an apology on Instagram, saying: “My deepest apologies for an insensitive comment I made during pop news on Thursday.
“From ballet, which I took as a kid, to anything in life you wish to explore, I fully believe we should all pursue our passion.”
Spencer concluded: “Go climb your mountain and love every minute of it.”
According to People, George’s dance curriculum “follows the Royal Academy of Dance Pre-Primary in Dance syllabus and will develop students’ physical skills, stamina, creative, expression and musicality.”
Helen Haslem, the head of the school, said on its website: “The curriculum presented in Year 2 reflects the increased ability of the children, both academically and socially.
“It sees the completion of the basic skills in literacy and numeracy in Key Stage 1. Individual strengths and talents begin to emerge, which you will undoubtedly begin to see.”
Haslem added: “The children are asked to become more responsible in Year 2; this may start with the children recording their own homework in their diaries. This increasing independence allows for a smooth transition to the Prep School.”
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