Alaska is a rather peculiar state in many ways, from its geographical location to the very different culture.
However, a dentist who was seen doing his work while on a hoverboard was deemed too outrageous even for Alaskans – he has been sentenced to 12 years in prison for this stunt.
On Monday, the Anchorage Supreme Court ruled that dentist Seth Lookhart be sentenced to 12 years imprisonment. He had been charged with several different crimes, which not only included doing his work while on a board but also removing a tooth without consent.
The rulings came after nine months since Lookhart was first charged in January of this year. He was practically charged with almost all of the violations a medical personnel can face from reckless endangerment to illegal practice of his skills and medical insurance fraud.
Even the judge who gave out the ruling could not restrain his anger at the complete and utter lack of professionalism that Lookhart had. As he read through the sentencing, Judge Michael Wolverton said that Lookhart “darn near killed some people”.
One of the clients who filed the case against Lookhart was Veronica Wilhelm. She was the patient who had her tooth worked on while the crazy dentist was standing on a hoverboard. The footage was taken back in July 2016.
The image above, in which Lookhart can be seen throwing his hands in the air, is the last few seconds of the video in which Lookhart can be seen working on Wilhelm. The board can clearly be seen, and he seems to be happy and triumphant despite what he just did.
According to NBC News, Lookhart himself did not even realize he had done something wrong since he sent the video to at least 8 different people. He reportedly joked that this was the new standard of care – added evidence that he absolutely and completely lacked any professionalism.
Although Lookhart’s medical license had already been suspended since 2017, the court essentially forced retirement on him by saying that Lookhart be banned from practicing medicine in the 10 years probation period following his release from prison.
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