Categories: EntertainmentQuiz

How Fast Can You Spot The Mistake In This Wedding Photo Challenge?

This challenge is designed to trick even those with a keen sense of observation.


How do you like to spend your idle time? Well, if someone asked us, we’d say watching tv or just lazying around on social media. But wait, we’ve got something so much better in-store. Here is a challenge that redefines the term free time and we simply are not complaining.


While some are wasting precious hours napping, we thought it would be interesting to pull out a couple of intriguing picture puzzles that challenge the mind and we certainly hope you’re one of them. And that’s exactly why you’re here right?

Source: Skip Prichard

You see, the logic is pretty straightforward. Puzzles give your mind the workout it needs. Not only does that manage to add a little hint of sparkle to another boring day, but it also gets you energized and looking forward to a pretty good feeling so you end up correctly solving them.


But you have to admit it, picture puzzles are on a different level altogether. They force you to pay attention to the most minute details at first glance. In case you’re wondering why, well, they’re designed in such a deceptive manner that the urge to succeed is at your fingertips.

Source: Summer bank

In this particular challenge, all you need is that perfect hint of concentration, before you end up seeking that feeling of success. So, what are you waiting for, let the mind games begin!


The challenge

Who doesn’t love weddings. When you’re the host, you spend months trying to make each and every detail picture-perfect. And in the end, what you end up with is sheer brilliance. Keeping the great wedding theme in mind, this challenge has your name written all over it.

Source: Mambee

You’re invited to come forward and give it your best shot. Remember, it’s all about that observation skill and paying attention to the details so you can find out what’s really odd about this image.


Did you find it yet?

The solution

You’ve finally reached the end and now it’s time for the reveal. The correct answer is the bridesmaid. She’s holding carrots instead of the usual bouquet of flowers. Did you spot it or not?

Source: Mambee