Without a doubt, puzzles that ask the question, ‘which one is the odd one out’ are truly some of the most popular segments on our puzzle page.
In case you happen to be wondering why, well, it certainly has to do with the fact that you’re given a picture riddle, to begin with. And that truly makes life so much more interesting as compared to critical thinking or simple math problem-solving. Okay, we’re not just taking sides but statistics do reveal how viewers tend to enjoy picture riddles more than a simple mind-teasing sum.

Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that with challenges that ask you to spot the odd one out, you’re actually given a number of options from which you need to find the odd one from all others. And when life gives you options, things automatically become so much more fascinating and easy too.
Alright enough if with that! Now, it’s time to see how well you can do with a puzzle that keeps getting called out as tricky from all angles of the spectrum. Yes, despite the fact that there are 4 options being given, users are having some trouble with this challenge.
The challenge
Have you ever wondered what life would truly be without clocks? Yes, a world that failed to have any devices that showed the time- a strange thought indeed.
Keeping in line with the clock theme, here is a puzzle that asks you one simple question. Can you figure out which clock simply does not belong among all others? Yes, take a close look because the hint is actually quite obvious. But that’s only if you manage to capture the smallest of details. Good luck!
The correct answer
It’s finally time for the reveal. Scroll down below and see the correct solution!
You’ve come to the end of this challenge. The correct answer is option C! This is because VIII has taken the place of VII.