Categories: EntertainmentQuiz

How Fast Can You Figure Out The Odd One Out In This Simple Graphic?

This intriguing mind-teaser is creating a stir with so many puzzlers and we thought it would be interesting to see if you could do it too!


A good analysis goes a long way in this world. Whether it’s for the sake of puzzles or analyzing situations in your daily life too- one thing is for sure. Life is only as fabulous as you make it!

Source; University of Florida

We want you to take a moment out and remember how different things appear when you actually focus and pay attention to little details. Remember, taking a good look at the picture as a whole can really do wonders, especially in terms of your overall performance.


Did you know that research proves how logic truly makes you so much more sober-minded? Moreover, it also equips us with the ability to tackle everyday challenges with so much more ease. All in all, you become a lot smarter when you begin to see things with a more clear mindset than what you initially thought.

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Source: Very Well Mind

To help prevent your brain cells from getting rusty, we’re back with another one of our famous challenges.point 214 |


Truth be told, this puzzle isn’t something new but it certainly went viral over the internet.point 84 | And in case you’re wondering why, well, the answer is pretty simple.point 147 | Scroll down below and let’s see how far you can go!point 194 | 1

Source: Lippincott

Today’s mind-boggling affair

Take a careful look at the image shown below and let us know what you think. Remember, thinking outside the box always helps so be sure you do just that. Good luck and happy solving!

Source: Fun With Puzzles

It’s time for the final verdict

Congratulations on making it this far into today’s puzzle. We hope you’ve succeeded in securing the right answer. Scroll down below and let’s take a look!

Source; The Conversation

The right answer is OPTION C! Do you see the missing leaves?

Wow, that wasn’t the easiest one of them all but we hope you did learn something along the way. Be sure to SHARE the fun with others.