Categories: EntertainmentQuiz

How Fast Can You Solve This Challenging Math Sum?

What better way to buzz away those weekday blues than with a wonderfully designed math sum that’s making so many internet users feel dumb?


Mondays aren’t going to be so boring anymore with us by your side. Yes, today is a fabulous day to put on those thinking caps and challenge your mind like never before. And if you happen to be an avid fan of math and logical problems, then this next question is definitely designed for you!

Source: Skills You Need

Before we begin, let’s take a quick look at the statistics for this challenge. According to the makers of the puzzle, only 1 in 10 viewers could actually figure it out correctly. And you know what that means, there’s definitely an element of twist in there somewhere.


But the real question is how far are you willing to go to give it your best shot? After all, we want all of our dedicated and smart viewers to succeed in the end.

Source: Fast Company

Remember, there’s always a trick in math equations and if you’ve solved one in the past then you should certainly have no problem in doing this one too! So, let the mind games begin. Good luck!


The tricky math problem

The math equation is given for you below. And we agree, it definitely doesn’t look easy, by any means. But wait, that’s exactly what the makers of the challenge want you to do. Scare you away, right before you begin. Hence, let’s not waste any more time and get right into it.

Source: Timeless Life

As a child, if you paid close attention in math class, this equation will definitely be a walk in the park. And the biggest hint we can give you is that there’s a certain order of operations that needs to be used here. Only then can you expect to succeed.


The solution

Congratulations, you’ve finally reached the end of this challenge and you know what that means. It’s time for the final reveal. Scroll down below and let’s see how well you did!

Source: Dribble

The right answer is 11! If you came up with 11, then you’re a true genius. See, all you had to do was use the PEMDAS concept to solve it.