Categories: EntertainmentQuiz

Can You Spare A Moment & Help This Woman Find Her Umbrella?

q2 15.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Can You Spare A Moment & Help This Woman Find Her Umbrella?

Sometimes, even the sharpest of puzzlers are left feeling baffled.


Here is a puzzle that some people are referring to as an absolute struggle. Do you think you can put your mind to the test and figure it out correctly? Remember, those with sharp eyes and minds managed to do it within ten seconds.

In the picture puzzle shown below, there’s a woman who is struggling to find her umbrella!

Source: Timeless Life

The mother happens to be out and about with her children in a forest. But all of a sudden, the weather took an unprecedented turn, and now she wishes to protect her kids from the rain.


Can you do this mother and her kids a favor by taking out a moment and figuring out where her umbrella lies? Remember, we need you to look very carefully and her out.


Let’s see where the hidden umbrella really lies!


It’s lying near the stump of the tall tree that’s situated on the right-hand side. Do you see it now?

Source: Timeless Life

If you found that one to be fun, let’s see what the next one has in store! Good luck!


Here’s another picture puzzle that so many are finding to be a struggle. Can you focus hard and search for the thief in this image?

Remember, he or she may not be very obvious at first but we promise you that he’s definitely in there somewhere!

Source: Bright Side

Can you search for some hidden clues? Who knows, maybe that is what could lead you in the right direction. Those who search hard will definitely see where he lies!


Do you give up? If yes, let’s see who the thief was?


Source: Bright Side

 As you can see, the young boy is reaching his hand out to grab one of the guest’s bracelets. And that makes it evident that he’s the thief.