Categories: EntertainmentQuiz

How Quick Can You Spot The Difference Between These Two Images?

We’re back with another exciting spot the difference challenge and we think you’re going to love it as much as the previous ones.


Hence, it’s time to get your visual skills ready for a challenge that some call uberly easy while others term it to be a little tricky. Moreover, whatever the case may be, one thing is for sure. We know you’ll fall in love with this particular challenge because it’s full of fun, engagement, and a little tricky flair.

Source: Happy Club

So, do you think you’ve got what it takes to rise up to the plate and solve this riddle in less than 10 seconds? We sure do hope so! Scroll down below and put those eyes to the ultimate test because it’s now or never! Good luck and happy solving!


The tricky challenge

Whether you’re an adult and still happen to be in your teenage years, one thing is for sure. Many people can’t seem to get enough of Tom and Jerry. Yes, we’re sure you’re a part of the bunch that’s included too so here’s a puzzle that revolves around that great theme!

Source: Tom and Jerry

Take a closer look at the image shown below and let us know if you can spot the difference in there, somewhere. We promise it’s there, you just need to look closely. Before we forget, don’t forget to time yourselves and let us know how long it took you to solve it too!

Source: Wake Up Your Mind

It’s great seeing how much our dedicated viewers enjoy our efforts that we curate for them with exciting challenges like these! The answer is given at the end so be sure to check, once you’re done! Oh and no cheating please because there’s truly no fun in that!

Source: Unsplash

The correct answer

You’ve safely come to the end of this challenge and you know what that means! Let’s take a look at the final reveal!


The correct answer is displayed below!

Source: Wake Up Your Mind