Categories: Animals/Petslife

Huge Octopus Grabbed A Diver And Refused To Let Go



A diver had a rough moment with an octopus in the Sea of Japan as the creature launched itself on the diver out of nowhere.

The clip was captured near Gamov Peninsula, and it is seen that the octopus launched itself on the diver and tried to stick around on the lower back. After a while, it swims off again to hold tighter onto the right knee and leg.


This time the octopus managed to hold onto the diver for a longer duration than before.


After 30 seconds, the octopus gave up and started swimming away. There are octopuses who have different tactics for self-defense when it comes to chasing off their attackers.


The best tactic is to camouflage itself around and hide in the plain sight as a defense against the attacker.


They use their specialized muscles in the skin and network of pigment cells, which helps them in matching the colors, textures, and patterns of the surrounding.


The tactic helps them in escaping from predators like dolphins, eels, and sharks without coming in the notice.


They also have the ability to release black ink in the water, which helps them in easily escaping from the attacker’s view. The ink has a substance which reduces the predator’s sense of smell.


It is easy for an octopus to squeeze inside a tiny hole which isn’t smaller than their beaks as that is the only part in their body, which is hard.


The creatures being fast swimmers can also lose their arm which comes in the attackers hold and then re-grow it later without any permanent damage.


Connor Stapley filmed the whole fight video with the octopus in New Zealand while kayaking some years ago. Connor said that it was the biggest octopus he ever saw and it took him 20 minutes to defeat the octopus.

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