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Human Doll Influencer Started ‘Plastics Of Hollywood’ To Promote Her Client’s Unique Stories

Three years ago, Marcela Iglesias started the Plastics of Hollywood as she wanted to tell the stories behind her client’s ultimate looks.


She told Barcroft TV: “The Plastics of Hollywood is a human dollhouse full of humans that look like Barbies, Kens, creatures and celebrity impersonators.

Watch to learn more about it below!

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“I created it because I wanted to showcase all these amazing human beings who like to transform themselves into their own fantasies.”

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Marcela who works as a talent manager for members of the Plastics of Hollywood gives advice to her clients on their looks and promote their stories to the world.


Rodrigo Alves was the first person who joined the Plastics, and he is now one of Marcela’s best friends.

Luis Padron is another person whom Marcela managed. Luis has spent $60,000 to look like an elf and Justin Jedlica who has had over 700 procedures to look like a human Ken doll.

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Marcela’s 18-year-old son Rodrigo told Barcroft TV: “I’m embarrassed by my mom sometimes, because the things she does.”


He will consider only one surgery in the future and that would be on his nose as he thinks “it’s a little too big.”

Marcela said: When I was a child, my mom never bought the Barbie doll, so I became a little bit obsessed with it,”

“I found out that there’s a lot of people around the world that think like me and that’s why the Plastics of Hollywood started.

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“The human doll look for me is the best version of myself, when I see myself in the mirror I’m content with what I see.”


“People say that I encourage body dysmorphia, but look at me – I’ve accepted myself the way I am. I don’t encourage anyone to get surgery but what I encourage is to be the better version of yourself.”

“None of the surgeries or procedures are a need, they’re just a want. You don’t need a face lift, you want it.”


Three new clients to the Plastics recently came to Marcela’s home to discuss whether or not they would fit into the group. Sheyla Hershey, who has had 34 surgeries on her breasts and had her ribs removed in her quest for the perfect body.

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She says she has an “obsession” with plastic surgery: “As long as there are doctors willing to operate on me, I don’t think I ever will be satisfied. I like to look like a doll, when I get that look, then I’ll be satisfied.”


Marcela also interviewed Eddie Valentin who underwent to have abs etched into his skin to look like a male model. The last one was was John Coscardo, who wants to look like a Ken doll.

After meeting them, Marcela invited all members of the group to join her, saying that she likes that “they have a plan, not just for fame or vain.”


he said: “I’m really excited the future for the Plastics of Hollywood because I want people to know that we’re not just vain people. Behind every single one of us, including me there’s a story we can create. We can become businesspeople, if you have a dream to become whoever you want to become, that’s doable.”




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