Categories: life

Humans of New York Story Is So Great That People Want to Turn It Into A TV Series

We all have a story from our life that we want to turn into a TV show thinking about it as the most interesting one.


Well, not all our stories are great enough to come on TV but the story of this person is and people are wanting it to come out on TV.


Brandon Stanton is a photographer who had been clicking pictures of people from the biggest city in the world, capturing them in a moment and sharing their life with the entire world through the photoblog called Humans of New York.


The story Brandon recently shared is of a Tanqueray who is a former stripper and her life has been a hell of a story to share and to live.


She started off her story by telling that her mom threw her out of the house when she was just a 17-year-old girl and had got pregnant.


When she went back to take her clothes her mother had called the police and got her arrested.

She was kept behind bars until the warden took a few tests on her and found out she was very intelligent. This got her a scholarship for anywhere in New York.


After she was done with her graduation she joined the LGBT community of New York. She said that they were the only ones who never judged her. Occasionally she got into costumes.


She would go to the gay clubs, participated in drag queen contests, and went to Crisco Disco along with her gay friends. Soon she was into the strip and porn industry.

She said that she was soon making money more than the average white girls after being a black girl. She said that she used to get called to places where black girls were not even allowed.


After reading her story, people flooded the comment box saying how they really wish to see her life story turned into a show.


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