Categories: Animals/Pets

Hunter Responsible For Killing 1,300 Elephants Said They Will Soon Be Extinct

A notorious hunter responsible for shooting over 4,000 animals, including 1,300 elephants, claimed the magnificent mammals would soon be extinct much “to the shame of humanity.


89-year-old Tony Sanchez-Arino is known as one of the world’s biggest trophy hunters and elephant killers who had been posing in front of dead creatures for over six decades.


In the past, the Spaniard has been described as the world’s “most dangerous and experienced game hunter” who is believed to be responsible for the death of at least 1,317 elephants, 340 lions, 2,093 buffalos, and 127 black rhinos.

The senior man began his career in 1952 when he worked as an ivory hunter. In the 1960s, however, he decided to become a hunting guide.


Following decades of slaughtering animals and profiting from the killings, Sanchez-Arino made some contradictory remarks in his book titled ‘Elephants, Ivory, and Hunters.’


“The African elephant will be hunted to extinction in the wild within our lifetime, to the shame of humanity,” the hunter wrote.

As he went on to explain, he’s given up his entire life for the “pursuit of this magnificent animal.” While that may sound like an overstatement, Arino did spend over 60 years hunting the giant mammals.


The hunter’s strange words came to light as Ban Trophy Hunting campaigners explained that ‘stealing’ ivory from elephants has increased by twelve times over the last thirty years.


Ivory hunting, besides other factors such as diminishing natural habitats, has resulted in the elephants’ population taking a plunge from 1.3 million to 400,000 worldwide.


“The trophy hunting industry is slaughtering elephants left, right and center,” Eduardo Gonçalves, the founder of the Campaign to Ban Trophy Hunting, said.


“Killing elephants for fun is unacceptable, even more so because of the seriousness of the current crisis. The recent surge in elephant hunting shows that the industry is out of control.”


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