Categories: +Animaislife

Shameless Hunter Shot Very Rare Black Giraffe Before Eating The Poor Animal

38-year-old Tess Thompson Talley caused outrage after she killed a rare black giraffe and said that she turned its skin into a gun case and ate the poor animal.


The American trophy hunter appeared on CBS and defended her actions.

“They (animals) are put there for us, we harvest them, we eat them,” she expressed.


The segment showed Talley at her home in Texas wearing camouflage gear and killing a wildebeest.

When she was asked about the time she killed a rare black giraffe during her stay in South Africa, she just laughed and answered: “He was delicious.”


The trophy hunter also showed the gun case she had created using the skin of the dead giraffe.

“This is a part of the black giraffe that I shot, something I could take around with me, and have on my hunts,” Talley said.


“I also have decorative pillows made out of him, and everybody loves them.”

She also took part in a live studio debate with a group of panelists. During the argument, she said her hunting trips were helping the animal kingdom instead of harming it.


“We are preserving… we are managing herds, we’re managing numbers of wildlife,” she said.

“I am proud to be a hunter.”


She also added: “I’m proud to hunt, and I am proud of [killing] that giraffe.”

Talley became notorious last year after she took photos next to the body of the dead giraffe. She admitted that she had received hateful messages after sharing the images online.


“White American savage who is partly a neanderthal comes to Africa and shoots down a very rare black giraffe courtesy of South Africa stupidity,” it said.


Activist and actress Debra Messing called Talley “a disgusting, vile, amoral, heartless, selfish murderer.”

Ricky Gervais also wrote on Twitter and sarcastically said: “Well done. You managed to shoot a stationery, 14ft peaceful creature with a high velocity rifle. Very sporting.”


He also wrote on Facebook: “I’m sick of Trophy Hunters trying to excuse their grim sport by saying they provide a service.”


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